Light as a Feather — Team Flower Workshop
Deedie from Springvine led the setup on this and I love it. She makes me feel light when I'm with her, and since I was talking about how the burden we carry in life is light, it seemed appropriate for her to head this one up.
I went to a movie last weekend — The Intern with Anne Hathaway and Robert De Niro. It's a wonderful movie, by the way. I naturally cried because she was following her dream and laughed because it was all just very sweet. When I think about it now, it's a great movie to see if you feel like I'm about to describe… but back to the reason for me mentioning it...
There is a very short and subtle line in the movie where Ben (Robert De Niro) is, with a quiet smile, sharing how his late wife "lived life like it was easy." Queue the lump in my throat and quiet tears. I thought, "I want that."
Well, upon further reflection I realized, I have it. It's been with me all this time. Sometimes I operate out of that truth. Sometimes I don't. And therein lies the problem. We can't be double minded when it comes to truth.
See, entrepreneurship can run you ragged. You may find that there comes a moment where you want to quit, work at Kmart and eat a bunch of donuts. It's called burnout. It comes from doing too much, thinking too much, worrying too much. Balance leaves the body, and things get hazy. You're kind of cranky and critical, you don't even feel hunger anymore, and your real smile is lost. Maybe you're there.
Well, I have great news! It's not all over. You aren't quitting. You just need a break. You need to go see that movie and laugh. You need to decide to live life like it's light. Because, with a shift in perspective you'll find it is.