7 Ways to Fresh Ideas for Your Business
7 Ways to Fresh Ideas for Your Business

7 Ways to Fresh Ideas for Your Business

Morgan Joy Photography

Morgan Joy Photography

If I had to guess, I would say you are probably knee deep in the busy wedding season. You have a long season ahead of you, and you are already starting to get that feeling of burnout. You want to have a fresh, original design for each client you serve — but maybe you are just starting to run out of ideas. I like to think of creative business owners as a glass. They are the vessel that holds the water, or in this case; creativity that is to be poured out. What happens when your cup is dry, and there is no creativity to be poured out? I think the key is to build your days and weeks in a way that consistently fills your cup with creativity, so you always have something to pour out to others. I came up with seven strategies to help you do just that.

Morgan Joy Photography

Morgan Joy Photography

1. Get outside

I would guess that you are similar to me in that you find inspiration from nature. Build in 15 minutes in your day to just step outside, take a deep breath and get some fresh air. Take notice of the way the trees sway in the wind or how a clematis climbs a trellis. Getting into the habit of noticing the small things around you will give you an endless supply of inspiration.

2. Refine other creative skills

This is one of my favorite ways to gather inspiration. Try a creative skill outside of your industry. I love to watercolor paint and try my hand at brush calligraphy. I often times find rich tones and color combinations with my watercolors that give me a jumping off point for a new design.

3. Take care of yourself

Think simple. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Even just taking the time to fill up a glass of water and keeping yourself hydrated can do wonders. I love adding a lemon to water for some extra refreshing and to make it just a tad bit more special.

4. Try growing some flowers yourself

I started some flowers from seeds this year for the first time. It has given me a greater appreciation for not only flower farmers, but also for the flower itself. Seeing how things grow in their natural environment will make you a better designer.

Morgan Joy Photography

Morgan Joy Photography

5. Curate an inspiration board

I think it is so important to create a workspace that inspires you. One quick and simple idea is to curate an inspiration board to hang in your workspace. Pin up ribbons with interesting textures or fabrics with beautiful patterns. Hang a few inspirational quotes, and make sure your mission statement is front and center. It’s a good idea to only pin inspiration from outside your industry, so you aren’t tempted to recreate someone else’s work.

6. Create office hours

Post these on the signature line of your email and share them with your clients. This is a dedicated time that you will be available for responding to emails. This is where you get to be flexible, and create time where you can be free from emails. I like to spend my Fridays out in the community getting inspired by what is around me. This will give you freedom from feeling like you need to be tied to your computer or phone.

Morgan Joy Photography

Morgan Joy Photography

7. Spend time doing what matters

You are the biggest asset to your family, your clients, and your community. If you are working long hours and burning yourself out, your passion for flowers will only last for so long. Even in the busy season, give yourself permission to spend time doing things that are important for you outside of your business. Do this even if it is for only 15 minutes. For me, I like to take my dog out for a walk during the day. Not only is it good for him, but it's good for my sanity as well.

I hope you enjoyed my tips and they help you to have a happy, creative, and enjoyable wedding season!

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