Lift, Love, Lead: 2020 Conference Recap
Lift, Love, Lead: 2020 Conference Recap

Lift, Love, Lead: 2020 Conference Recap

Photography by Girl Squad

Photography by Girl Squad

As beneficial and thrilling it is to learn new things, it can feel like a huge step out of your comfort zone to attend a professional conference. Will you be exhausted? Is it worth the investment?

However, the annual Team Flower Conference uniquely offers applicable education to everyone, no matter your role in the floral industry or how long you’ve been on your journey with flowers.

Photography by Girl Squad

Photography by Girl Squad

The 2020 conference—held in Pasadena, California, right after the world-famous Rose Parade—reminded 300 attendees that there is beauty in transition, every stage in our journey with flowers is worthwhile, and the work we do is important. Loving the world through flowers is meaningful and valuable, no matter how we live that out. 

At the start of each conference day, Kelly Perry, the founder of Team Flower, led us in the mission to lift, love, and lead. We know that floral work is about more than just making, growing, or selling something pretty. In each of our roles within the floral industry, we are to lift others up, love our communities, and lead with light in our respective areas. 

During the event, we heard from 12 industry-leading floral professionals—including Janelle Wylie of Lavenders Flowers, Françoise Weeks, Amy Balsters of Amy Nicole Floral and many more—who taught with warmth, expertise, and heartfelt humor. The sessions were lighthearted and inviting, while providing valuable takeaways to implement in our work once we were home. 

Photography: Jacelyn Bolton

Photography: Jacelyn Bolton

On Day 1, we began the event with a reception during registration at the exquisite Huntington Botanical Gardens. We mingled with Team Flower Partners, including Accent Decor, 46 & Spruce, Ramirez Wholesale, CoolBot, and Mayesh Wholesale, who displayed beautiful products and answered our in-depth questions. After the day’s educational sessions, we transitioned to The Westin Pasadena, where we built bouquets with Certified American Grown flowers to pass out to strangers in the community and congregated with one another based on our respective regions. Designing bouquets together (and then surprising strangers with the kindness of flowers!) was a true highlight. 

Day 2 started off with an optional Beginner’s Breakfast, where those who are new to the industry were given an opportunity for additional learning and in-depth Q&A with industry specialists. After the day’s educational sessions wrapped up, we had the opportunity for discussion-based small groups centered on specific topics. 

Small groups were another big highlight for many, and we began Day 3 with additional small groups that transitioned into business celebrations and remaining educational sessions. We honored floral business milestones among our attendees, including Irene Seaman of Academy Florists, who was celebrating over 50 years of floral work! At the close of the event, we gathered for refreshments and photos with new friends on the terrace, which overlooked a picturesque California sunset. 

Photography: Jacelyn Bolton

Photography: Jacelyn Bolton

Whether a mainstage speaker or small-group leader was hitting heartstrings or offering practical knowledge (or both!), 2020 Team Flower Conference attendees found refreshment, inspiration, new strategies, and more in the floral education provided. We all walked away with fresh tips and tricks to take home to our work. 

While we gather each year for industry-leading education and practical knowledge to implement in our businesses, it’s becoming evident year over year that an additional benefit of the conference is the genuine relationship-building, inclusive and warm networking, and heartfelt encouragement we offer to one another. Flowers are naturally gorgeous in their robust yet temporary magic, but the hearts of flower people contain a true lasting, inherent beauty. 

Keep up the incredible, life-giving work of Loving the World Through Flowers. You are a magic-maker. And at Team Flower, we love supporting you however we can. Go team!

Video: Growing and Training Sweet Pea Flowers

Video: Growing and Training Sweet Pea Flowers

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