Pressing Pause on Your Business
Photography: Natalie Watson
There can be many seasons when you own a small business. There are seasons of planting, of growing, of blossoming, and of harvesting (both literally and metaphorically). In the midst of any of these seasons, you may feel like quitting, but if you still feel called to flowers in some way, don’t give up! It may be time to simply press pause.
Kelly has experienced this process rather recently, and she’s here to share her story and the things she’s learned through it.
If you feel like you need to press pause on the business you’ve invested in, there are a few things to consider:
Do you have what you need for today?
What do your current overall cash flow and resources look like?
What would make your business minimally viable?
If you’re feeling like it’s time for you to press pause, it’s so important for you to remember that you’ve built something that matters. You’ve impacted people’s lives and loved them with flowers so well.
Do what you need to do to make sure that your business remains minimally viable (don’t toss in the keys to your website and don’t close down your social accounts). And especially don’t make an announcement or start saying to people “I’m done; I’m leaving.”
Remember our mantras over the past three years:
Rhythm, Movement, Magic
Rest, Rise, Shine
Lift, Love, Lead
As we're in this transition time as a floral family, we have been prepared as a group and we must not abandon our territories. We must not abandon the place that we’ve individually been called to, and we must not abandon the mission that we are all called to: loving the world through flowers.
So one, two, three—go team! Love the world through flowers.
Photography: Jacelyn Bolton