Website Refresh: Branding Your Blooms and Blogging
Website Refresh: Branding Your Blooms and Blogging

Website Refresh: Branding Your Blooms and Blogging

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Design: Jacelyn Bolton, The Flora ClubPhotography: Adriana Klas Photography

Design: Jacelyn Bolton, The Flora Club

Photography: Adriana Klas Photography

Flower Discoveries: Setting and Achieving Business Goals

The Team Flower Podcast is a place where you can feel like family while still learning fun new things each week! Jesse, husband to Kelly and co-founder of Team Flower, is here to share what he’s learned about setting and achieving goals in business and how to keep in mind where you are, where you’ve been, and where you’d like to be.

Guest Interview: Jacelyn Bolton of the Team Flower Staff

On this episode, Team Flower Social Media Coordinator Jacelyn Bolton joins Kelly to chat about her floral design experience with The Flora Club! Jacelyn is a genius with graphic design as well as floral design, so she’s giving some incredibly helpful tips for a website and branding refresh! She’s sharing her favorite flower tools (like these sakagen shears) and her go-to snacks for when she’s headed to an install or working hard in the studio. Where can flower lovers grow in mutual support and friendship? Jacelyn’s sharing her hopeful heart for the future of the floral industry.

Design: Jacelyn Bolton, The Flora Club

Photography: Ellie Koleen Photography, Lauren Fair Photography

Design: Jacelyn Bolton, The Flora ClubPhotography: Olivia Marshall Photography

Design: Jacelyn Bolton, The Flora Club

Photography: Olivia Marshall Photography

Becky Devlin, Team Flower member and owner of Foxglove and Fig, is also here to chat about how to get started on a blog for your website as well as what to write about. Not only is she sharing why you should have a blog, but she’s giving some tips on what to include and how to stay organized!

Video: Creating a Sculptural Floral Arrangement Step by Step

Video: Creating a Sculptural Floral Arrangement Step by Step

How to Talk to About Pricing With Your Floral Design Clients

How to Talk to About Pricing With Your Floral Design Clients