When to say no to the dream project
When to say no to the dream project

When to say no to the dream project

At times as floral entrepreneurs, we are challenged by situations that force us to draw a line in the sand and to stand unwaveringly by the principles that guide the future success of our business. Sometimes that means saying "no" when you want to say yes. These situations usually show themselves as the most incredible opportunities — the chance of a lifetime. However, ultimately you know in your heart it doesn’t serve the best interests of your career path or add wind to the sails of your soaring passion.

It is very important to have a healthy vision and definition of what success means to you. As it pertains to your business, often these ideas dynamically affect how we make what we deem as the best decisions for moving forward in every way and every direction. When you take a moment to evaluate your personal business roadmap and model for success, ask yourself a few questions as you wager your decision to accept that next shining, sparkling "dream project":

Andrew & Tianna Photography

Andrew & Tianna Photography

Would taking on this project add value to the voice of my work?

When I first spoke to the perspective client, did any negative inklings of whether or not this project is a "good fit" surface?

Do you feel that the prospective client is excited about investing in you, the creative talent, and not just hiring a helping hand?

Did you find yourself wondering if you would be more creatively discouraged than encouraged by taking on this project?

So, here is my rally cry to echo in your mind for when this time of
careful consideration comes to you: “It’s okay to say no thank you!”

Doing so doesn’t make you any less of a dreamer or a dream catcher! In fact, it thoughtfully positions you in a place of value; both in the situation of consideration and respectfully, in the mind of that perspective client to take a professional stand for your creative growth.

Taking the lead in setting the course of successful growth for your business sometimes involves the most challenging decisions. Ultimately, it should also place a sense of incredible value in your mind and heart when you say no. As tempting as it might be to say "yes" when you should say "no," flee those feelings! Stand firm. Not in pride, but in patience as you know one day your perfect project will surely come.

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