The Power of Practice with Triple Wren Farms
Flower Discoveries: Mystery Seeds and the Trumpet of Death
Are you someone who received mystery seeds in the mail? If you have no idea what that means, click here to read the story. You’ll be blown away! Jesse is sharing his misunderstanding of Kelly’s love for a particular flower (and a great source for trumpet vines, aka: Trumpet of Death). We’re also giving an ode to all of the unsung heroes who do important work of research and checking seeds and soil behind the scenes.
Special Guest: Sarah Pabody of Triple Wren Farms
“Flowers are a medium that is successful to almost anyone, if you’re willing to practice and you’re willing to learn.”
When Sarah first began her floral journey, she thought she would only be a farmer. But then she began to do something really simple—practice. She’s chatting about how this simple idea has transformed her business as well as some practical tips and tricks for you to do the same.
You’ll also hear about a truly incredible dahlia festival they host every year for their community where they create beautiful installations of dahlias (and other blooms).
Sarah is sharing her top 4 tools for installs, a few ideas they’re tossing around, and why dahlias should be used for installs.
At Triple Wren Farms, Sarah and her team grow dahlia tubers, fresh cut flowers, and offer workshops at the farm in Ferndale, Washington. They ship their dahlia tubers to all 50 states, and share tips for growing dahlias on their website and social media (@triplewrenfarms). We’re celebrating with them as they conducted a 3-day Dahlia Camp workshop at the farm for growers and designers, and their third annual Dahlia Festival this past September!

When and How to Expand Your Floral Design Team
It is so exciting when the little business you started as a one person show begins to grow exponentially! But how do you know when you’re ready to start hiring other people? What type of help should you hire? If you’re asking these questions, Team Flower Member Kelsea Vaughan is here to help you find the answers you need! She’s walking through each type of employee as well as giving examples of the type of work they might do.