Top Tools for Floral Design and Gardening with Lynne of Dorothy Biddle Service
Flower Discoveries
This week, Jesse’s telling us about a new Starbucks in Tokyo—it’s in a greenhouse! And speaking of greenhouses, Jacelyn has recently acquired one and has stocked up on Floret’s seeds. (We’re all excited to see her grow them into beautiful blooms!) Plus, we all know that flowers are a stress reliever for those who receive them, but Meagan came across a study they’re doing in Japan that scientifically proves this fact (read it here)!
Design: Philosophy Flowers
Photography: Heather Payne Photography
Guest Interview: Lynne of Dorothy Biddle
Lynne has been around the floral industry her entire life and has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. Today, you’ll hear her share lessons that have been passed down through generations of her family. Lynne is chatting about her experience living through recession and is sharing some trends she has seen through the years. She and Kelly are discussing taking on new avenues of business and carrying on a legacy of loving the world through flowers. To wrap up, you’ll hear Lynne’s go-to tools as well as how to take care of them!
Since Lynne grew up in the family business, she started by age 4 “helping out” with flowers, but began working full-time in 1973 after getting some “real-world” job experience at another company. In 1986, her dad Rod Johnson, who had started the business in 1936 with her grandmother, Dorothy Biddle, retired. Dorothy Biddle Service sold to garden centers, gift shops, and florists all over the US and Canada. Lynne retired in 2017 with Dorothy Biddle Service merging into the Kinsman Company of Pipersville, PA.
Design: Philosophy Flowers
Photography: Heather Payne Photography
Design: Philosophy Flowers
Photography: Heather Payne Photography
The Importance of Floral Design
Like so many in the floral industry, Delaney is passionate about the impact floral design can have on others. However, she’s also discovered just how affecting it can be in the life of the designer as well. She is sharing how studying your work and shutting out the voice of the world can be enlightening and refining.