Video: 5 Tips for Working with Floral Glue
Video: 5 Tips for Working with Floral Glue

Video: 5 Tips for Working with Floral Glue

Floral glue is a great tool to use—especially when creating small wearable pieces. If you’ve never used floral glue (or if you have and it was a disaster!), this video will introduce you to the product. I’m sharing some helpful tips for you to keep in mind as you utilize floral glue for the first time.

Taylor and Porter

Taylor and Porter

Tips for Working with Floral Glue

  1. Read the instructions. Anytime you’re working with a new product, make sure you take the instructions into account. Also be sure you read the hazards listed on the outside of the box.

  2. Wear a mask. Floral glue has acetone as an active ingredient, so I highly recommend wearing a mask when working with this product. This will cut down on the toxins entering your body!

  3. Create a stand. One of the trickiest things about floral glue is that if it’s laid on its side when open, it continues to ooze out of the nozzle. You can do this easily by cutting off the top half of the box it comes in, flattening the that half, and affixing the bottom half to the flattened bottom half.

  4. Squeeze the container lightly. When using floral glue (especially when it’s a new container), you barely have to apply pressure for the glue to come out.

  5. Let the glue get tacky. The floral glue needs to be set a bit before it works effectively. When it first comes out of the container, it’s runny—but if you wait about 10–15 seconds before applying your blooms, it will begin to have more of a gravy-like texture and will hold much better!

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