Video: Experimenting with Luminosity in Floral Design
Video: Experimenting with Luminosity in Floral Design

Video: Experimenting with Luminosity in Floral Design

Have you ever created a floral arrangement based upon an idea or concept? In this video, Kelly is experimenting with the concept of luminosity in floristry and how the varying intensity levels in the shades and colors of ingredients play with each other. She’s using Accent Decor’s timeless gold Lita Compote. The elements she’s chosen for this floral arrangement are very textural. It is amazing how ingredients with texture, whether rough or fuzzy or bumpy, catch the light (especially from the side) and become so enchanting!

After beginning with adding one of each ingredient to her Accent Decor Lita Compote., Kelly decides to make the foraged grass hanging over the side of the container her focal point. With that in mind, she adds ingredient after ingredient - utilizing the principles of design as she goes. Notice that as Kelly designs, she is not afraid to remove an element she places if it interferes with her vision. Editing your own arrangement is a powerful tool to accomplish your design goals!


  • Hanging Amaranthus

  • Scented Geranium

  • Grass

  • Bunny Grass

  • Scabiosa

  • Wheat

  • Explosion Grass

  • Satice

  • Lacy Cap Hydrangea

  • Dried Astilbe Pod

  • Lime Zinnia

Image from iOS (1).jpg

Key Points

  • When creating this arrangement, Kelly utilizes both implied lines and actual lines. Implied lines are ones that your eye has to search for and put together, whereas actual lines are quite commanding and can be easily spotted in an arrangement.

  • Editing branches of flowers or greens is an art in and of itself! You can modify a stem to change its entire look.

  • Take a moment to observe every stem of one ingredient. Notice their differences and nuances, and select the stems that will accomplish your vision the best.

  • Placing your arrangement in front of a white wall can help you see the elements better to determine what is missing or not sitting quite right.

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