Video: Flower Feature - Scabiosa (Also Known as Pincushion Flower)
Video: Flower Feature - Scabiosa (Also Known as Pincushion Flower)

Video: Flower Feature - Scabiosa (Also Known as Pincushion Flower)

In this video, I’m here to share some design tips for scabiosa. Scabiosa is also known as “pincushion flower” and comes in a variety of colors: crimson, raspberry, salmon, lilac, black, white, and yellow. There are so many different varieties to choose from, and they can be found as both annual or perennial flowers.

Scabiosa sometimes grow with wonky-looking stems which make them a perfect bloom to use as little floaters and dancers to create depth and various levels in your arrangement. When the flower blooms out, it turns into a pretty seed pod and adds a fantastic texture piece in any arrangement.


Scabiosa At A Glance:

  • Butterflies LOVE this flower

  • It comes in a wide range of species and colors

  • Grown as both an annual and a perennial flower

  • If you’re growing scabiosa, let some of the flowers go to seed so you can use/sell the interesting seed pods.

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