Video: How to Make a Tailored Bouquet
Video: How to Make a Tailored Bouquet

Video: How to Make a Tailored Bouquet

This clip from the Team Flower Bouquets and Personals class demonstrates how to make a tailored bouquet. This type of bouquet is typically a little more round and classical in shape. Kelly will show us how to create a more structured bouquet with a fun flair!

As you create the base of your tailored floral arrangement, you’ll want to be aware of the length of your greens. All of your pieces should be similar in size (rather than having a long, medium, and short floral elements, like in a garden-style design). Once you have your basic structure, add in a few roses down low to help solidify the foundation.

As you add in other ingredients, you don’t have to keep them all at the same level—you can still leave a bit of space between the blooms to allow them to breathe! However, once you’ve built the bouquet, you want the blooms around the top layer to be at a similar level to achieve that tailored look.

Almond Leaf Photography

Almond Leaf Photography

Melissa Joy Photography

Melissa Joy Photography

Key Points For Building a Tailored Floral Bouquet

  • Often, brides who like tailored bouquets prefer more classic and romantic types of flowers like roses and peonies.

  • Instead of having interesting components at the top of the arrangement, you’ll be adding something in at the bottom of the arrangement.

  • Of all of the types of bouquets, tailored bouquets often have the highest flower count because they utilize less greenery and less space.

  • At the end, use a vine to weave through the arrangement to give it a little movement and a whimsical quality.

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