Workshop Alumni Interview: Patricia Campos
Workshop Alumni Interview: Patricia Campos

Workshop Alumni Interview: Patricia Campos

Ohio based floral designer Patricia Campos began her creative career as a graphic designer. It wasn’t long until the floral world worked its way into her heart, and now she runs a floral design studio in Cincinnati, Una Floral. With a love of muted colors and delicate greenery, her work is textural, thoughtful and artistic. Patricia’s floral journey began shortly before we met her at the 2015 Team Flower Workshop in Asheville, NC. Today she has established her style and is currently working towards merging her two creative loves: graphic design + flowers.

Almond Leaf Studios

Almond Leaf Studios

Where was Una Floral you when you attended the Team Flower Workshop?

“I had just started my flower arranging journey and had only taken an online class and one centerpiece class. I was figuring out my style and the world of flower design.”

How has Una Floral grown since then?

Almond Leaf Studios

Almond Leaf Studios

“I run a small floral design studio, and I'm finally comfortable with my pricing. I don't have a ton of weddings, but the ones I do have I'm excited about, and I've been lucky only to have brides I truly connect with and love. I've also started designing book covers again (what I did before flowers) and I'm figuring out how to meld the two mediums. A bespoke design studio seems fitting?”

What would you tell someone who is on the fence considering joining a Team Flower Workshop?

“I would say "do it," unequivocally! Kelly Perry is the most knowledgeable, gentle, sane, organized and loving floral designer. She has so much to share! And the smaller workshop size will make it that much better.”

Describe a few of the essential items you learned at the Team Flower Workshop that you have implemented into Una Floral.

“At the workshop, I learned crucial design principles, used gorgeous flowers I had never touched before, and I also met other florists that I still lean on today. I also loved connecting with Kelly, Holly, and Ashley who are all so inspirational.”

Almond Leaf Studios

Almond Leaf Studios

Did you make any long-lasting flower friends at the Team Flower Workshop?

“I really connected with Anne Everitt - she's the sweetest human ever! And Kei Muto, Nikelle from Wylde Flowers, Lauren from Stonehouse, etc. I made a lot of flower friends, and I still keep up with them three years later.”


Follow along Patricia’s continuing story on Instagram.

To learn more about this year’s workshop opportunities, click here.

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