Growing Children and Pansies with Three Brothers Blooms
Growing Children and Pansies with Three Brothers Blooms

Growing Children and Pansies with Three Brothers Blooms

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Flower Discoveries: Natural Remedies and Biodiversity

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On this episode of Flower Discoveries, you’ll hear from the founders of Team Flower themselves: Kelly and Jesse Perry! As you can imagine, they take good care of their cutting garden and are sharing some tips on encouraging and sustaining biodiversity. You’ll also hear natural remedies you can easily use to repel mosquitos and ticks, rodents, and even weeds!

Have you ever given much thought on the fact that plants and flowers go extinct just like animals? It’s true! Jesse discovered a few articles that list the species in danger. How can you help prevent the extinction of flowers? Growing native plants to encourage them to thrive. Below are the articles you can check out (it’s super interesting!):

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Special Guest: Brenna Estrada of Three Brothers Blooms

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If you’re a parent (or a teacher, an aunt or uncle, or simply have children in your life in any way), then you’ll love this podcast. Brenna’s boys help run their flower farm and she’s talking about how her family is incorporated into their business.

You’ll hear tips on how to encourage children to dig in (no pun intended!) to flowers as well as their local community. Brenna is also letting us in on a couple of new experiments she’s trying out this year—one of which is a sweet little unappreciated flower: Pansies!

Brenna's three boys helps run their family's small flower farm on Camano Island in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. They offer seasonal flowers and bouquets throughout the growing season and during summer at the Camano Farmers Market. Everything they sell they have grown themselves, most of it from seed. Check out their website and give them a follow on social media @threebrothersblooms!

Growing Kindness

While we’re on the topic of growing, we’re handing it over to our friend and Team Flower Member, Deanna Kitchen of Twig & Vine. She is a champion for kindness in the floral industry and has made a huge impact with her Growing Kindness movement. What is this movement, you might ask? Well she’s here to tell you what it means to grow kindness and how you can join in, too!

Transitioning into a Floral Career with Kalin Scheick

Transitioning into a Floral Career with Kalin Scheick

It Takes a Village with Wildbud Co.

It Takes a Village with Wildbud Co.