Sarah from Poppy in Singapore
Sarah from Poppy in Singapore

Sarah from Poppy in Singapore

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Poppy Studio

In this episode of the Team Flower Podcast

We talk with Sarah from Poppy in Singapore and discuss:

  • Flower Bars and Market Days
  • Working with Kate Spade
  • Flower Nail Art
  • Apprenticeship Program
  • Flower School
Poppy Studio
Poppy Studio

We are delighted to share Sarah's story with you via the Team Flower Podcast.  Sarah has a bustling flower shop and flower school called Poppy in Singapore.  

Poppy offers unique experiences including a Flower Bar and Market Day which we will tell you more about on the podcast. If you, like Sarah, believe that "every child is born an artist, the problem is remaining an artist when he or she grows up" you will enjoy learning more about how Market Day helps people rekindle a creative flame and stay an artist! 

Sarah has worked with major brands like Kate Spade to help them express their brand through flowers. 

When Sarah talks about passing the love of flowers on to the people who visit her shop, I can almost see her smile through her voice. She is truly leading the way in helping flowers make an appearance in the homes of everyday people on a regular basis. Each of her orders includes a special touch, a paper poppy which you can see in the video she has shared with us below.  

The Poppy blog is very fun as well! You'll enjoy reading a variety of topics, including how to use dried flowers in nail art.  

Are you considering an apprenticeship program at your flower shop?  Listen and learn about how Sarah has approached this program in her business. 

If you're looking to study, perhaps abroad in a new place with fresh perspective, Sarah offers a variety of opportunities!

You can connect with Sarah on Instagram @poppyflorastudio or through her website.

In Full Flower

In Full Flower

What is the purpose of flowers?

What is the purpose of flowers?