Video: Using Potted Plants in a Floral Arrangement Alongside Cut Flowers
Video: Using Potted Plants in a Floral Arrangement Alongside Cut Flowers

Video: Using Potted Plants in a Floral Arrangement Alongside Cut Flowers

Need ideas for a long-lasting floral arrangement—especially if you’re early in the bloom year or you prefer to source local cut flowers? You can create a gorgeous floral arrangement out of small houseplants or garden center plants by potting them together in a large vessel accented with cut flowers.

Creating a Floral Arrangement with Potted Plants

To create this type of floral arrangement, first add a bit of standard potting mix to the bottom of your vessel. For the base, choose a plant or two (like asters or ivy) that can drape down the front of the pot and plant those close to the edge.

Add in varied textures such as soft, tender young lettuce, frillier, course kale, or cabbage with a purple tint to add depth to the greens. Add in rosemary (or something similar) for height and interest, filling most of the base up with potted greenery.

To add in seasonal cut flowers, place a small vessel (perhaps with a pin frog in the bottom) down in the arrangement where you’d like to see branching or focal elements. Secure items like forsythia and daffodils in the small vessel, staying mindful of the lines and movement of the whole piece.

Key Points

  1. Remember to put your larger flowers at the base of the arrangement and the smaller bloom sizes up higher for the ideal amount of balance.

  2. Use color or shape to create implied lines throughout the arrangement in the same way you would with a piece made entirely of cut flowers.

  3. Add and replace plants as the season moves on to keep the arrangement fresh and fun!

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