Building and Navigating Team Dynamics with Stems Brooklyn
Building and Navigating Team Dynamics with Stems Brooklyn

Building and Navigating Team Dynamics with Stems Brooklyn

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Sam Bufalo

Sam Bufalo

We are the Portos

We are the Portos

In this episode of the Team Flower Podcast, Kelly is joined by Suzanna Cameron of Stems Brooklyn. She founded her flower shop, Stems Brooklyn, in 2013 in collaboration with a bar. Serving her local neighborhood their flower bouquets to start, Stems Brooklyn has since grown into a full-service florist specializing in workshops, retail, weddings, plants, and NYC deliveries. 

Suzanna has great insight and wisdom regarding transition, and in this episode we’re talking about what it’s like to shift brands multiple times—as well as when it’s necessary to diversify your revenue stream. We’re chatting about hiring that first person and what it looks like to expand a team. Suzanna is sharing how she interacts with her team and navigates conflict with her staff.

Luis Mallo

Luis Mallo

Suzanna grew up in North Carolina and has strong southern practicalities. She is a single mom to a toddler named Ace, they live together in Brooklyn with their cat, Dax. Outside of flowers, Suzanna loves scuba diving, hiking, camping, cooking, and being a mother. In the future, she hopes to launch her blog, write a book about her experiences in New York City, live in another country, and take a sabbatical in 2021 with her son and go camping across the country. 

Khaki Bedford Photo

Khaki Bedford Photo

Khaki Bedford Photo

Khaki Bedford Photo

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Love Like Ours

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Video: Using Potted Plants in a Floral Arrangement Alongside Cut Flowers

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