​​Cheerful Flowers and Gifts: A New Flower Shop in Chambersburg PA
​​Cheerful Flowers and Gifts: A New Flower Shop in Chambersburg PA

​​Cheerful Flowers and Gifts: A New Flower Shop in Chambersburg PA

Sometimes you find yourself drawn right back where you started: Your hometown. Introducing Cheerful Flowers and Gifts in Chambersburg, PA!

Florist in Chambersburg, PA

Even after floral educator Kelly Perry moved off to out-of-state college, got married, moved to yet another state and started two separate floral businesses, she still felt drawn back to where her love of flowers began—Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, the small PA town where she grew up.

After moving the small-but-mighty Team Flower home headquarters to Chambersburg, PA, in 2019, Kelly also felt the draw to accomplish a lifelong dream, one that many floral designers share.

Kelly was drawn to open up a brick-and-mortar modern retail floral shop. 

And all of a sudden, after years of dreaming, hoping, and planning, the exact right circumstances and exact right Downtown Chambersburg, PA, florist shop location opened up in early 2022. 

It was a step that Kelly couldn’t resist finally taking!

A brand-new Chambersburg PA florist: Cheerful Flowers & Gifts

With the goal to open as a new florist in Chambersburg PA in February 2022, Kelly and Jesse Perry are excited and humbled to join the ranks of many floral professionals that have gone before them on the journey to open up a brick-and-mortar shop.

Currently, Chambersburg boasts several long-time flower and gift shops, including Everlasting Love Florist, Plasterer’s Florist & Greenhouses, and Royer’s Flowers & Gifts. Kelly is proud to humbly join the group and grow the network of floral retail and gift options in her hometown. 

As Kelly shared with Chambersburg Public Opinion in April 2020, "Missionally, we're committed to the idea of loving the world through flowers and celebrating all the different aspects of what goes into a flower: from seed to recipient.”

While Kelly’s robust floral career has been focused on event floral design and developing floral education for designers across the globe, she’s excited to live out a beloved dream of starting a hometown floral shop—one that makes all guests feel seen and honored, no matter what they’re carrying with them that day. 

And the Perrys hope that every person who stops in the shop feels that deep, botanical magic and wholehearted love, whether they’re looking for Chambersburg flowers or a flower shop servicing Waynesboro, PA, Shippensburg, PA, or Mercersburg, PA. 

Do you have a dream of starting a flower shop, too?

If you’ve been a part of the Team Flower family for a while, you might be harboring a secret dream in your heart to open up your own flower shop in your community. 

(Spoiler alert: We’re cheering you on, and there’s room at the table for you!)

Check out some of these free resources below to get inspired and educated for your very own retail florist shop journey! 

Remember, everything happens one step at a time. Everyone starts at the beginning!

Local SEO for Florists: Showing up for local customers searching for Flower Shop Near Me on the web

One of the biggest challenges for new florists is being found by new customers and clients, especially if your business doesn’t benefit from foot traffic. 

And especially if you’re hoping to rank for the coveted flower shop near me or gift shop near me search terms for your area.

And Kelly and Jesse are experiencing the same challenges right now!

But stay tuned—we’ve been doing some digging and experimenting with best practices, and we’re excited to share more in-depth knowledge soon to help you in your own floral business. 

Have local SEO questions or tips to share? Contact us via the chat button on our site. We read every message! 

How to Find and Follow Cheerful Flowers & Gifts

So what does this new Chambersburg florist shop mean for Team Flower? 

Along with the addition of Kelly’s retail shop, Team Flower will continue to strive to build the best floral education and events available for our Team Flower family all over the world. 

You’ll be getting brand-new flower content from Kelly in the future, and there will be fresh education covering retail topics heading your way soon.

While the Team Flower Conference for floral professionals will be on pause after 2022 to allow space and room for more investment in our in-depth, hands-on floral workshops, we’re still here for you in every way we’ve always been! (With Kelly and Jesse Perry continuing to lead from the helm, of course.)

And you’re invited to come visit Kelly’s shop as an honored guest. Follow along online with her journey to start a floral retail shop from scratch, or stop by and say hello if you’re ever in town!

Address and hours of operation: 

85 North Main Street, Chambersburg, PA 17201 

M–F 10 AM to 2 PM, Saturday 8 AM to 5 PM

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