Setting Boundaries in your Floral Business
Setting Boundaries in your Floral Business

Setting Boundaries in your Floral Business

One thing which is a constant in business is busyness. This is especially true when someone is what I like to refer to as a "Lone Ranger." Calls, emails, texts, and so much more beg for our attention. How do we balance all of that with our private lives? Where do we draw the line and set boundaries between our family and business? What do we do to prevent the always impending "burnout"?

Like other businesses, the floral industry tends to have seasons. For wedding florists, this is spring and fall. During those hair-raising, crazy times, it is all hands on deck at home and the shop. Proper forethought can help reduce exhaustion and stress. Here are a few things I've found through the years which have helped me.

Take Time Off

2021 taught me many things. Like others, it was the busiest year of my 27-year career. I decided halfway through the year to take one weekend off each month of 2022. I am already blocking weekends for 2023! Having these weekends to look forward to gives the physical and mental boost for the rest of the month. Go away that weekend or stay at home—whatever will provide you with the most rest. Try not to overdo projects and housework. Do something completely unrelated to the business! You will be refreshed and ready for the next round of flowering.

Plan Ahead—Don't Procrastinate

It should go without saying that planning ahead for events is key to preventing interruptions in one's personal life. We purchase all hard goods and mechanics for our events at the beginning of the year. After all the shortages of the past few years, this financial investment up front has proven to help ease stress. Of course, storage has to be a consideration, so plan accordingly.

Communication and Business Hours

Setting personal boundaries with things like answering emails and phone calls is very important. Have business hours and stick to them. We established our preferred method of communicating upfront, which is email. This way, all communication is in one place. Train your client to understand that even though you may not be a retail business, you have office hours. Only allow text messages and phone calls from clients and planners the week of the event in case of emergency.

Talk To Your Family

Finally and most importantly, have a conversation with your family on this subject. It may be difficult to hear the brutal truth about where the business has crossed the line into precious family time, but it's always best to know and try to fix the problem. Resolving conflicts may not be easy, but take steps to create boundaries and adhere to them. As a parent, we only get one go around, and it passes by so quickly. Don't miss out on those sweet moments! At the end of the day, the beauty we create in our homes should always be more important than any beauty we create in our shop. Family should always be first and flowers a close second. We will never be perfect in the area of boundaries, but showing we are trying will go a long way to creating a harmonious home.

We usually enter the floral industry because we love flowers and we love creating. And those who leave often do so because they've gotten burnt out by the hustle and bustle. That's why it's vital you take steps to protect your love for flowers and your personal relationships now!

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