6 Ways to Strengthen Your Floral Business in an Ever-Changing World
6 Ways to Strengthen Your Floral Business in an Ever-Changing World

6 Ways to Strengthen Your Floral Business in an Ever-Changing World

Megan Hoffer Photography

Megan Hoffer Photography

"Failure is not an option."

Never were truer words said for this moment in time. Our world has been turned upside down, from governments to small businesses. Although it is tempting to curl inside oneself and say, I give up, this is the perfect time for just the opposite.

Like the keeper of the vineyard prunes the grapevines to promote growth, so are businesses being challenged in the growth process. What a floral business owner chooses to do in this moment in history may just change the course of the future, good or bad. Someone recently said, "The businesses that are going to survive this are the ones who will be adaptable, open to new ideas, and not afraid to take a risk."

When a business has the opportunity to evolve, there are some key points to remember:

  1. Flexibility is key.

  2. Continual dreaming and planning are essential.

  3. Keep learning.

  4. Complete long-awaited projects.

  5. Seek out pros and flower friends to help.

  6. Bless another business with some flower love.

Let’s take a deeper dive into each of these points.

Megan Hoffer Photography

Megan Hoffer Photography

1. Flexibility is Key

Every industry, but especially the floral industry, has learned that being flexible is a valuable trait. Supply chains have been disrupted. Rules that do not allow deliveries or shop hours have threatened the very existence of many shops. Weddings, proms, and other events have been postponed or even canceled. It can all feel too overwhelming.

But maintaining flexibility with calendars and rescheduling will show the community that flowers will be there when they need them. Clients need to know that their vendors are committed to fulfilling the promises made to them. Being able to pivot and go in a different direction isn't something that everyone enjoys. It is the key, though, to turn around a struggling business.

2. Dream and Plan

During this pause, use the valuable time to dream and plan for the future. Maybe that means an event designer creates a sweet roadside flower stand. Perhaps a mobile flower truck is an answer. Dreaming can be a lot of fun. This is the perfect opportunity to forage and create a new signature design.

As designer Sue McLeary says, "Artists, designers, and florists must create the art they want to see in the world." Find a new creative voice to reinvigorate a love of design. Reorganize the shop and storage spaces and create a photo area. Doing so will feed the soul and keep one's mind on sweet things instead of fear. Sometimes the best ideas happen when one just stops and listens to dreams.

Juliana Tomlinson Photography.

Juliana Tomlinson Photography.

3. Continue Your Education

There are so many resources available to continue one's education. No matter how long a designer has been in the game, there is always something new to learn. New ideas in wearable flowers, handmade paper flowers, and foam-free techniques will challenge the mind and creativity.

Choose something unique and research that subject. There is such value in drawing on the experience of others. Resources like Team Flower, Florist Facebook groups, and following other designers on Instagram are a wealth of free, valuable information.

4. Complete Projects

Is there a long-awaited project in the shop or home? Now is the perfect, rare opportunity to complete these tasks (you know, if you aren’t juggling homeschooling children on top of this!). Here are some ideas to get you started, but the opportunities are endless!

  • Artfully create a sidewalk chalk message in front of your business—you can even enlist the help of the kids on this fun task!

  • Finally create a photo area to capture all your amazing floral designs.

  • Contact a favorite photographer to collaborate on a simple photoshoot of new arrangements (socially distanced or after local restrictions are lifted, of course).

  • Update the front display window to something cheery and encouraging to passers-by.

  • Paint the wall that has been staring the family in the face for years.

  • Clean out the attic or closet and donate to the neighborhood thrift store.

Juliana Tomlinson Photography.

Juliana Tomlinson Photography.

5. Ask for Help

Seek out professionals and other experienced flower friends to help update your contracts, websites, and social media presence. There may be some expense here, especially with a lawyer or branding expert, but be assured that it is worth every penny.

In the long run, strengthening these components will give you peace of mind for the future. Spend time thinking about every process in the business. From consultation to event completion, it should be a relatively smooth process if the groundwork has been properly laid.

If you’re looking for experienced help, SCORE is a national, nonprofit organization made up of retired executives. These experienced professionals donate their time and expertise to small businesses free of charge. From mentors to roundtable groups and much more, there are chapters in every state. This is an invaluable, highly recommended resource to any small business. Find them at www.score.org.

6. Give Love

Finally, reach out with some flower love to a business that might need some encouragement right now. A small vase of flowers sitting on the counter of a hardware store might not sound like much, but to the employees, it may just be a lifeline right now. Gratitude is good for the heart and not soon forgotten by the receiver. Try to connect with neighbors by laying a bunch of pretties on the front porch, ringing the doorbell, and walking away. Flowers truly are essential, and as florists, we have a responsibility to use our skills for the good of our community.

Megan Hoffer Photography

Megan Hoffer Photography

Maybe the next chapter of the floral industry will be something completely different than before. Perhaps the pause will continue for a while. That's okay. As long as there is creativity, there will always be a place for an artist to express themself.

Never lose the wonder of a perfect, fluffy peony or the fragrance of a delicate, curved freesia. While the future may be a bit frightening right now, it is also filled with hope and the promise that flowers will bloom again. Knowing that you have done all that is possible to lay the groundwork in moving forward can give you a feeling of peace. Don't let this time slip by in worry and fear. Keep moving ahead and wait for the sun to shine again.

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