3 Keys to Work Life Balance for Flower Momprenuers
3 Keys to Work Life Balance for Flower Momprenuers

3 Keys to Work Life Balance for Flower Momprenuers

Heather Payne Photography

Heather Payne Photography

Hey, flower mom! You're probably reading this article because you’ve been wondering how you can manage to be the mom you desire and run a thriving flower business. You might often ask yourself, Can I really do this? How can I make this work? Is it actually possible to “have it all”?

The answer is yes—of course you can, flower friend! As you can probably imagine, it'll take some careful planning. The easiest solution is to hire everything out, put the littles in daycare, and get a team, but that is not the answer for everyone! And if you choose not to do any of those things, hopefully sharing some of my experiences can help you achieve your goals. Here are three keys to balancing your flower business and mama-life!

1. Scheduling

There are two popular books on how to schedule your child's day, in addition to sleep training: Secrets of the Baby Whisperer by Tracy Hogg and On Becoming Baby Wise by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam. They are based on the same method:

  • Eat: Feed the baby

  • Activity: Tummy time, read, or sing to your child

  • Sleep: Lay your baby in their bed at the first sign of sleepiness

  • Your Time: You're free to do anything you need to do for yourself or your business.

Heather Payne Photography

Heather Payne Photography

Even though my children are toddlers now, I continue to use this method—and we have all greatly benefited from it. Kids are happiest when they’ve had a good meal, exerted energy, and slept well. I can get most of my proposals and ordering done when my children are napping, and I complete my design work after they have gone to bed or before they wake up in the morning. I have tried working while they are awake, but I haven't been able to conquer this area yet, so I rely heavily on my village to make it work.

2. A Reliable Village

Everyone's village will look different because they're molded to your family based upon your unique experiences. That's what makes them an extra special blessing! My village was created over time, and it looks completely different than when I first became a mother. The most important roles in your village are:

  1. The person you can trust to watch your child when you need to meet a client

  2. The place you can go when you need to get a little more computer work done outside of your regular schedule. My go-to place is my local YMCA. I know when I’m there that I have two quiet hours where my littles are being cared for while playing, and I get to take a breather or work.

  3. The person you can trust to care for your littles on event days. However, I typically bring my children with me to the supply wholesalers, the flower market, and anywhere else that'll give this mama grace as I work!

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3. Grace for yourself

Which brings me to the topic that took me the longest to understand (and is something I am still learning): Grace. Naturally, I am super hard on myself, so at the end of the day when I wasn't able to check everything off of my list, I would get anxious—which, by no surprise, showed up in my design work. If I were anxious all of the time, it would eventually show up in every area of my life. Finally, I realized I was wearing many hats, and it was okay for me not to check every single item off my list every single day.

Listen, mamas, understand some days you will finish everything—and some days you won't. It's okay that the dishes don't get washed or the clothes don't get folded. Sometimes you won't meet your deadline for your proposal or finish that last bouquet at the end of the night. It doesn’t mean you’re a failure; it just means you’re human.

Most importantly, don't feel the need to say yes unless your heart is 100% committed to the project. What matters is that your family is happy, your clients are satisfied, and most importantly that YOU are okay so you can continue to care for the things that you love the most.

All in all mama, you’ve got this! Now go and flower on!

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