Encouragement for the Side Hustle Mom
Encouragement for the Side Hustle Mom

Encouragement for the Side Hustle Mom

As a working mom, taking on a side hustle might sound crazy, but there are seasons to embark on new adventures and others that require observance of simple tasks. Currently, I serve part-time as the Education Director for an art gallery in Brooklyn and run a small floral design business on the side. In a creative industry that often makes us feel like we are never doing enough, I have found that all a side hustle needs to be is a small seed sown.


A side business, while creatively invigorating can also grow weeds of depletion if not careful. The tendency to fill every free weekend with weddings and events is often tempting. However, we all know from the slow blooming nature of flowers, that growth occurs in due season. A year ago, having just had a baby, my sleep deprived self would not have felt ready to do much more than take care of my blossoming son. I knew it was time to pursue the hustle when the sleep deprivation hailed from the stirring of my imagination rather than my ever-waking baby.

When I decided to pursue this flower journey, it came from an overflow of the heart, and that is where I believe it has to begin. As whimsical as it sounds, there came a point in my life a few years ago when I closed my eyes and saw flowers. A dear friend and I began traveling to the New York Flower district early in the morning and met back up in the evenings for “Flower Club.” It was an opportunity to work with our hands, create beauty and community together. I made arrangements as often as I could, challenged by a budget of the most affordable flowers I could find. Eventually, I offered help to engaged friends, letting them know that I’d arrange the flowers for their weddings at cost in exchange for developing my portfolio. I discovered that making flower arrangements not only brought others joy but gave me purpose and confidence in pursuing a creative venture.

Joy is a huge part of what makes this side hustle sustainable. What is of higher value than the money I bring home from a wedding, is the joy that overflows into my home, husband, and son. The satisfaction of my clients and my own fullness of heart let me know that this side hustle is more than just a hobby, it is a way to point to the mysteries and intricate designs of nature beyond what human hands can make.


Truly anyone who practices floral design at any point in their career is attesting to the natural beauty of the world in which we live. I was so encouraged to listen to the Team Flower podcast interview with Katie McDonough of Petal and Print, a mompreneur florist who only takes on about 5-12 weddings per year! As long as Flowers By Graz is my side hustle, I’ll do just a few weddings or events and practice patience as I wait for my next steps. Perhaps one day, floral design will be my full-time gig but for now, cultivating presence in each of my various tasks as a mother, educator, and friend is the watering my garden needs.

If you're a fellow working mom reading this and wondering if you should take the next step towards pursuing your passion, I encourage you to start with a side hustle. Listen to those things that are giving you joy. Rather than making room in your life for your vision, you might be surprised that it will make room for you.

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