How to Create Consistency in Your Brand Voice
How to Create Consistency in Your Brand Voice

How to Create Consistency in Your Brand Voice

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Flower Discoveries: Online Safety for Your Business

What does security have to do with your floral business? Jesse is back with another incredibly helpful business tip! He has the Team Flower team talking about the importance of online safety—from password variation to identity theft insurance and everything in between! Learn how you can make your business more secure with a few simple tips!

Guest Interview: Amanda Johnson of the Team Flower Staff

Our guest today is a very special one. It’s Amanda Johnson, our Team Flower copywriter and editor! Amanda is a huge asset to our team with her savvy word skills and her knowledge of grammar, sentence structure, and consistency in brand voice. She keeps Team Flower looking and sounding professional! Speaking of consistency in brand voice, Amanda and Kelly are discussing how you can implement this, too! Amanda is sharing a few tips for writing client communication and editing the copy on your website, in emails, and on social media. You’ll hear about the various dashes that can be used in writing, and you’ll even learn the plural form of ranunculus! (Keep an eye out for a comprehensive guide on this topic by Amanda as well!)


How to Determine If a Pop-Up Is Right for Your Business

You’ll also hear from Team Flower Member Carol-Anne Barnes. Carol-Anne has done her fair share of pop-ups, and she’s here to share a few tips on how to determine whether a pop-up is right for your business. Are you the only florist who’s been asked to participate? How is the event being marketed? Questions like these along with calculating the cost of your time and materials are vital in making a decision on participating in a pop-up. Listen in to learn how you can implement this into your business model and spend valuable time reflecting on whether you’re ready to take the risk!

Here’s How to Build Trust with Floral Clients—Without Costing a Dime

Here’s How to Build Trust with Floral Clients—Without Costing a Dime

Using Social Media as a Floral Introvert to Grow Your Network (And Confidence!)

Using Social Media as a Floral Introvert to Grow Your Network (And Confidence!)