Tips of the Trade for Floral Designers with Canaan Marshall
Tips of the Trade for Floral Designers with Canaan Marshall

Tips of the Trade for Floral Designers with Canaan Marshall

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You are in for forty minutes of fun, laughter, and practical advice on this episode with Canaan Marshall! He is a ball of sunshine in a dark world! In addition to the joy he spreads, he has an abundance of knowledge to share.

You’ll hear all of the following:

  • Tips for taking care of your cut flowers (including hydrangeas)

  • Necessary design skills for a florist to develop

  • Go-to mechanics for arrangements and installations

  • Elements to consider for design process

  • Delivery tips

  • and more!

Canaan Marshall is the owner of Canaan Marshall Designs located in Atlanta and Macon, GA. An old soul, he has had a natural knack for all things growing and green since childhood. He is best known as the vibrant, young fellow to turn your everyday into elegant. He has a seemingly effortless way that he creates and often makes his fans feel as though they could create something just as wonderful too! Give him a follow on Instagram @canaanmarshall.

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