Video: Bouquet Ribbon Tips
Video: Bouquet Ribbon Tips

Video: Bouquet Ribbon Tips

Looking for bouquet ribbon tips? When preparing bridal and bridesmaid bouquets, ribbons can be unique and beautiful accents that highlight the floral arrangements!

This video is a short preview from the full online class, Bouquets & Personals.

Key Tips for Bouquet Ribbons

Adding ribbon streamers to a bouquet can add a touch of whimsy to your design, and it can be the perfect touch to the overall design for your client’s special day.


When you tape your bouquet, leave a sticky side up so that your ribbon will not slip as you wrap the bundle.

End the ribbon with a small fold in the location where you’ll be adding the streamers so that you don’t see any pins.

For the streamers, cut several strips of ribbon of the same size, and keep in mind the proportions of your streamers to your client’s size and the style of her dress.

Choose a number of streamers, gather the ribbon together, and pin them to the bouquet. Once they’re attached, trim the bottoms of the streamers into a “v” shape or a diagonal shape.

Important Notes for Using Ribbon in Floral Designs

  • When wrapping your bouquet, don’t pull the ribbon too tight! Keep your grip on the ribbon loose and relaxed in order to maintain a smooth, cohesive look.

  • Use small corsage pins to hold the end of the ribbon in place. They are sturdier than they appear!

  • When you are doing ribbon streamers, think about how tall your bride is and the style of her dress. Proportions are important!

  • Sometimes it is helpful to make your streamers beforehand and have them pinned on a bulletin board, ready to attach to the bouquet at a moment’s notice.

  • It is often smart to add the streamers on the day of the event so that they don’t get wet or wrinkled before the big day.

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