How do you tell people you exist? And how will your audience recognize your brand? Before people buy, they need to feel they trust you. So how do you establish that trust?
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How do you tell people you exist? And how will your audience recognize your brand? Before people buy, they need to feel they trust you. So how do you establish that trust?
In this Team Flower Business Model Highlight, we're featuring Gwen Floral Co, a multi-six-figure wedding florist offering wildly romantic design for their clients in Australia.
Biennials are a great way to add excitement to your late spring designs and offerings. Besides being some of the most extraordinary and unique blooms, they also bloom at a time when there can be a lull in flowers.
These days, with sustainable living becoming more of a lifestyle necessity than a choice, a bouquet that will keep growing contributes to a greener planet in a minuscule way!
Analytics and data don't always interest creative professionals. But you're not just a floral designer—you're a business owner, too. As a business owner, you already track certain numbers.
Have you ever heard of a full flower shop pop-up? This is such a unique business model, and could be just what you need to implement for your business as well!
In this Team Flower Seasonal Design Highlight, we're featuring an arbor design by Intentional Flowers, a wedding and event florist who specializes in joining flowers and spirituality.
Discover tips on how to make consultation calls a success for one's floral design business!
What is it like to start a business in a foreign country? Daunting, rewarding, difficult, special. Read on to find out more!
Learn how utilizing silk flowers could reduce your stress and increase your productivity!
Starting an in-home floral business (or any business for that matter) can seem daunting. But it doesn't have to be. There are so many reasons why being an in-home florist is beneficial and possibly the best way to go.
Discover ways to take one wreath form into all seasons. Learn to resuse and extend your fresh wreath into an all season wreath!
Curious if you should join a floral association or a florist professional organization? This article digs into who they’re for and some of the benefits of the most recognized floral association names.
Making a flower crown isn’t difficult once you master the mechanics needed for a seamless product. I promise! I often have other florists ask me to make flower crowns to complete their orders because they don’t feel they are capable. Is that you? Take a peek at this tutorial and add gorgeous flower crowns to your repertoire!
Ready to take a closer look at different types of peony bloom forms? In this guide, you’ll get notes not only about the forms, but also on where and when these blooms fit best!
Thinking about hosting a Pick Your Own event on your flower farm? Here’s a quick guide of what to consider before you start!
Discover strategies for how to use the flower color wheel to your advantage in floral design.
Looking for the best perennials that bloom all summer long? Check out these comprehensive lists—sorted by color type—of perennials that rebloom and are excellent for cut flowers and floral design work.